Saturday, September 17, 2011

amitraz demodex::The question now is, to what amitraz demodex

amitraz demodex amitraz demodex::The question now is, to what?
Dogs can have a negative reaction to a number of things.
Fleas are one source.
And though you may not see any fleas on your pup, just one flea bite can send a dog into a frantic allergic reaction.
Food allergies are also common sources.
Wheat of any kind is one of the top food allergies, but a number of other ingredients can be just as troublesome.
Other allergy sources could be chemical or biological.
Some that come to mind are: certain dog shampoos or pesticides.
Regardless, your dog will not recover from this problem until he sees the vet.
Most likely your dog will get a steroid or cortizone injection and possibly some medication that you will have to administer at home.
Think about changing his diet for starters, as usually the main cause of allergies is the food it eats.
I have listed some links below that may be of some help to you.
Best wishes to you both!

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