Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shot a man just to watch him die::But really, it kept waking me up, it was so bad, which is rare for me i shot a man just to watch him die

i shot a man just to watch him die::But really, it kept waking me up, it was so bad, which is rare for me.
After waking up for the 49th time, in horrid agony, i realized one of my problems was i was tensing up because it was so cold.
Marvin turns the heat down to below 60 at night, and it was particularly brisk.
It is all you can do to move when you have a migraine.
Moving one centimeter makes you so nauseated you can barely stand it.
So after getting as much gumption together as you can while your head is pound pound pounding and your stomach is roil roil roiling, i minced down to the thermostat and cranked it to a luxurious 65.

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